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Welcome Home

Founded 170 years ago in 1854, Congregation Gates of Heaven is a reform synagogue in Schenectady, New York, a member synagogue of the Union for Reform Judaism, and the oldest Jewish congregation in Schenectady. We are the spiritual home of over 350 member families, including over 100 students in Gates Quest, our re-imagined supplemental school.
We’re a caring family united in social action, prayer, education, and social activities. We encourage you to engage with Judaism on your own level, on your own terms. Gates of Heaven welcomes members of all backgrounds, ages, and lifestyles. Our members consist of Jews each with unique experiences within Judaism, young and older adults, married and unmarried, Jews by birth and Jews by choice, and members of the LBGTQ+  community.
Our Gates are open to all.
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The office will be closed on the following dates:
  • Monday, November 11 in observance of Veterans Day
  • Thursday & Friday, November 28 & 29 in observance of Thanksgiving

No Tai Chi, Monday 11/11

No Talmud Study, Thursday 11/28

Upcoming Events in November

Wednesday, November 13, 7:00 PM, Sisterhood Book Group at the home of Ann Cramer, Lions of 5th Ave

Thursday, November 14, 1:00 PM Sisterhood Movie in the Sisterhood-David Hatkoff Room, brown bag option.

Saturday, November 16, 4:00- 5:30 PM Havdalah sponsored by Sisterhood & Brotherhood- a coffee & dessert Havdalah with Rabbi Matt in the Sisterhood-David Hatkoff Room. Please come to say goodbye to Shabbat and help usher in a new week.

Sunday, November 17, 12:00 PM Choir Orientation with Carla Fisk, join us please!

Sunday, November 24, Gates Quest Artist in Residence/Sacred Colors 10 AM - 2 PM

Upcoming Events in December


Lighthouse Homeless Shelter for Men, part of Bethesda House

For the last twenty years, Congregation Gates of Heaven has provided meals for Thanksgiving and 12/25.

We need your help to make this possible. Please sign up with or call 518-374-8173 to sign up for one or both holidays. When you select an item, you are signing up to make enough for 20 adults in a foil pan (reheatable) or non-returnable tray for your selected date(s).

You can bring food to our refrigerator during the day (8a-4 p) Tuesday, November 26 or before 10:00 AM Wednesday 11/27. The second round drop off would be Monday 12/23 (8 a-4p) or before 10AM Tuesday 12/24.

The items we are still requesting are needed for both dates. They are:

Turkey                                        Gravy                                Fresh Fruit                     Lots of cookies

Mashed Potatoes                      Cranberry Sauce              Veggie Tray & Dip         Pies

Stuffing                                      Soda                                   Chips & Dip

This year we will also provide a tray of cookies to the new Cara House for women on both holidays.


Wednesday, December 4th, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Senior Moments Light Luncheon with Ann Cramer speaking about her family history with Schenectady, with CGOH and the Gershon's link.

Donate Blood- click here Thursday, December 5th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, CGOH Social Hall








Brotherhood Breakfast, Sunday, December 8th at 9:30 AM

Eric Schnitzer, Park Historian, Saratoga National Historical Park will discuss how the Battle of Saratoga was a crucial American victory and the turning point in the Revolutionary War. Eric will also speak on visiting the Battlefield on Route 32 in Stillwater, NY.

All temple members are welcome to join at what surely will be an interesting presentation.

Friday, 12/27 5:45 PM Hanukkah Family Dinner

Sign up here $25/family or $10/indvidual


Join us for weekly programming:

Zenobics Tai Chi                 Mondays at 6:30 PM Zoom / Hatkoff Room (not 11/11)
Community and Coffee      Wednesdays at 1:00 PM Zoom / Hatkoff Room
Talmud Study                      Thursdays at 12:00 PM Zoom / Hatkoff Room
Shabbat Services                Fridays at 7:00 PM Livestream / Main Sanctuary
Torah Study                         Saturdays at 9:00 AM Zoom / Hatkoff Room 
Sun, November 10 2024 9 Cheshvan 5785