8 Days of Giving
Please click the graphic above or the link below to dedicate a contribution to our beloved synagogue on each day of Hanukkah.
Our congregation thrives on the support of our members and community.
We thank everyone who made a dedicated donation to support 20 individual funds that help us provide services, activities, and benefits to our members and community. Happy New Year!
Ways to Support Congregation Gates of Heaven
If you are interested in donating to an existing fund or in creating a named fund, please contact Jonathan Rubin, President of the Board of Trustees, at jrubin@cgoh.org.
Please note: there is a $10,000.00 opening minimum to create a named fund.
Life & Legacy Fund: All members are invited to participate in the Life & Legacy Society by completing a simple non-binding form that indicates your intention to support the synagogue with legacy gift in the form of cash, a bequest, an IRA distribution, a life insurance policy, or real estate. Click here for more information on joining our Life & Legacy Society or go to the "Make a Donation" page to contribute to our Life & Legacy Fund today with a one-time gift.
Capital Maintenance Fund: Supports major capital improvement projects at the synagogue building and facilities.
Infrastructure Fund: Our "Building Fund," which supports general maintenance and improvements to the physical facilities of the synagogue.
TCSC Fund: Our Temple Community Service Corps, which organizes a group of high school-age interns at charitable organizations in our community, learning about the mission of the organization and how it impacts our community for the better, while developing important professional skills to be used after their formal education is completed.
Religious School Fund: Supports operating expenses for school supplies, books, program fees, and special expenses, including a portion of scholarships provided to students in need of financial assistance in a given school year.
Dorothy Dickhoff Memorial Fund: Supports religious education scholarships and sponsorships for special programs hosted by Gates Quest.
Norman & Beverly Francis Education Enrichment Fund: Supports scholarship opportunities for students of Gates Quest in a given school year.
Alan Sternstein Cheder Scholarship Fund: Provides full or partial scholarships to students of Gates Quest in a given school year.
Sunshine Golub Youth Enrichment Fund: Supports opportunities for children and staff to attend local, regional, and national URJ gatherings and retreats, supports student financial aid for Jewish or Israel-related programs, and supports youth programs for which no other funds exist.
Golub Family Experimental Education Fund: Designed to spark creativity and innovation in Jewish education for the congregation, this fund supports activities across all levels of lifelong learning.
Alison Auerbach-Barr Youth Scholarship Fund: Supports scholarships, awards, stipends, or payment of expenses for youth group (GOHTY) activities.
Lewis & Sarah Chapman Lifelong Learning Fund: An unrestricted fund that supports general education-related operating expenses for programs and classes hosted at Gates of Heaven, from early childhood through adult education opportunities.
Midrasha Fund: Supports community-level high school programming expenses.
Hahn Teen Initiative Fund: Supports our madrikhim stipends paid to high school-age teacher assistants and supports scholarships to attend Eisner Camp Retreat Summits.
Jo Auerbach Culinary Fund: Supports expenses for an annual ethnic culinary program.
Edwin Brown Culinary Fund: Supports expenses for Gates Quest culinary classes.
Gail Rosen Memorial Fund: Provides a subsidy for expenses toward art programs in Gates Quest classes.
Friedman Art Exhibition Fund: Supports the development of art exhibitions in the congregation museum case or the Sisterhood-David Hatkoff Room.
Passport to Israel Fund: Supports opportunities for members and their families to travel to Israel for education-based experiences.
Benenson Israel Scholarship: Supports opportunities for Gates Quest students to spend a summer in Israel on a course of study.
Beatrice & Joseph Albert Scholarship Fund: A stipend to help with expenses of Judaic or Israeli study programs.
William Trop Memorial Fund: A stipend to help with expenses of Judaic or Israeli study programs.
Stuart Hersh Memorial Fund: A stipend to help with expenses toward educational youth programs in Israel.
Rabbi Bernard Bloom Scholarship Fund: Provides scholarship opportunities for students preparing for service careers in the Jewish community as a cantor, for example, or teachers seeking professional development.
Burton White Memorial Confirmation Award: An annual award given to a student of the Confirmation class or an opportunity for a scholarship to a Jewish summer camp.
David Hatkoff URJ Summer Camp Fund: Supports scholarships for children to attend a URJ summer camp.
Balmuth Judaic Camp Scholarship: Supports scholarships for children of CGOH members to attend summer camp.
Liebman Camp Scholarship: Supports scholarships for needy inner City of Schenectady or congregant children to attend summer camp.
Marwill College Scholarship Fund: Provides a scholarship of $1000 to college students in the congregation to support their higher education goals.
Rena Weifenbach College Scholarship Fund: Provides one scholarship per year of $1000 to a college student in the congregation, who is enrolled in a 2- or 4-year higher education curriculum.
Lulu Field Fund: Provides support to host a guest lecturer once per year for a scholar-in-residence weekend program.
Paul Swartz Fund: Supports lecturer stipends for Brotherhood breakfasts, Senior Moments programs, visiting scholars, and general lecture events.
Randall Adult Library Fund: Supports purchases, maintenance, and upgrades to the Harvey & Sheila z'l Randall Adult Library.
Donald Schein Resource Center Fund: Supports purchases, maintenance, and upgrades to the Donald Schein Resource Center and Lewis Lurie Children's Library.
Jay Schechter Fund: This unrestricted endowment allows the congregation to support extraordinary expenses in a given year. Through appropriate use, this fund may be used to minimize the operating deficit at the end of each fiscal year or reimburse a specific extraordinary expense.
Ernest & Gloria Kahn Distinguished Rabbinic Chair: Offsets the operating expense related to the salary of the rabbi of the congregation.
Ludwig Education Fund: Offsets the operating expense related to the salary of the education director of the congregation's school.
Fleminberg Fund: Supports maintenance and repairs to the main sanctuary facility.
David Hatkoff Memorial Fund: Supports maintenance and repairs to the Sisterhood-David Hatkoff Room.
Morris Feldman Memorial Reyut Fund: Supports expenses for Reyut programming, including support for sick or home-bound members or bereaved families following the death of a loved one.
Holland Family Impact Fund: Contributes to supplemental philanthropic revenue for the congregation annually.
Wachenheim Mitzvah Fund: Supports Mitzvah Day expenses and other social action-related events throughout the year.
Yulman Flower Fund: Provides funding for fresh flower arrangements on the bimah during High Holy Days and other special occasions.
Baer Flower Fund: Provides funding for fresh flower arrangements on the bimah during Shabbat services that fall on the yahrzeit of members of the Baer family, and when requested by the Baer family.
Nathan & Bessie Singer Flower Fund: Provides funding for fresh flower arrangements on the bimah during Shabbat services that fall on the yahrzeit of Nathan and Bessie Singer, and when requested by the Singer family.
Max Feldman Music Fund: Provides support to enhance music during ritual services, purchase new musical instruments and equipment, provide stipends to music participants and guest artists, and support music-related conferences.
Singer Music Fund: Enhance the music of the congregation by supporting the salary of the Music Director.
Gerhardt Cantorial Fund: Supports the salary of a cantor, student cantor, or other ritual music leader.
Our lobby is home to our beautiful Tree of Life, the leaves of which commemorate life cycle events, anniversaries, accomplishments, and other celebrations. You are invited to purchase a leaf on the Tree of Life for $250.00*.
To create a permanent memorial for a loved one, ensuring their yahrzeit will be read annually, memorial plaques can be purchased for $600.00*.
The Randall Adult Library has long been a place of reading, learning, and community. The shelves not only house a collection of Judaic books and Holocaust references and literature, they also hold dedication plaques honoring the memories of people for whom the library was a special place. A library shelf dedication plaque can be purchased for $1,800.00*.
If you have spent any time seated in our sanctuary, you have likely noticed that many of the pews have dedication plaques memorializing families and individuals who called Gates of Heaven home and whose names we continue to honor and remember. A limited number of half and full pew plaques are available for $5,000.00* and $10,000.00*, respectively.
*All prices include engraving and installation.